Conditions That Invisalign Can Treat

When you look at your smile in the mirror, do you notice that your teeth could use some improvements? If you have teeth that are misaligned, it could have a negative effect on your oral health as well as your aesthetic appearance. When you’re ready to correct your smile, talk to your dentist in Bel Air about your options for orthodontic treatment. Invisalign is a discreet alternative to traditional metal braces, as the smooth plastic aligners are practically invisible. Invisalign can help correct a number of different alignment issues. Read on to learn more.

Gapped Teeth
If you have sizeable spaces in between some or all of your teeth, Invisalign may be able to help treat this. Gaps can be caused by the way the jaw bone grows, or by missing teeth since remaining teeth will shift in their absence. Even if gapped teeth do not present an aesthetic concern for you, the extra space leaves your gums more vulnerable to Dentist in Bel Air periodontal disease. Normally, the gums are protected by the teeth, but with gaps, there is less of a barrier between the gums and disease-causing bacteria.

Overbite, or overjet as it’s known to your dentist, refers to when the upper teeth protrude abnormally far in front of the lower teeth. It can be caused by genetics, bone development, or oral habits. An overbite can cause excess wear on the lower teeth as well as jaw problems that can be quite painful. Invisalign can often help correct an overbite.

Open Bite
Open bite occurs when teeth don’t make contact when the jaw is completely closed. This may be a result of thumb-sucking, or genetics. If you have an open bite, you may experience problems speaking, or trouble chewing your food thoroughly. Since it can also lead to jaw disorders, Invisalign is a good choice to help correct this misalignment.

Crowded Bite
If you do not have enough room in your jaw for all of your teeth, you may have crowded teeth. Your dentist may recommend extraction in order to make room for everything, or use Invisalign to help prevent your teeth from growing into a more crooked, misaligned position.